Wednesday 17 August 2011

Hollywood: Class of 2011 !!!

As much as we love the Jens, the Scarlets, the Julias, the Georges, the Brads and the Leos, we have to make room for the next generation! And it's an easy pill to swallow considering the standard of talent that Hollywood is churning out these days. Here's our list of some of the fresh faces of 2011.

The Girls:
                                   Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart in the cover of W Sept 2011 issue
J: Kristen really we knew you had it in you... This shoot is simply delicious, definitely check out September's issue of W to see the the full spread. Miss Stewart has clearly been holding out on us.... She will be reprising her role as Bella Swan later this year in the highly anticipated Breaking Dawn Part One that has got  "Twi-hard' fans all over the world jizzing. Now S hasn't read the books but I confess that I went through a minor obsession, and unfortunately  the films have left me completely underwhelmed! Saying that I probably will watch the next two films and bitterly complain. On the bright side, we are far more excited about Snow White and the Huntsman coming out in 2012. The promo pics look like K Stew will be badass Snow white. With two big budget movies still come out (Snow White and Breaking Dawn Part 2) next year and with an estimated $20 million (#jealous)  under her belt at only 21, her future looks bright.

                                                                        Emma Watson

Emma Watson, Harper's Bazaar August 2011.
J: *sigh* we are totally NOT jealous of Emma, what is there to be jealous of? I guess she is pretty, if you know obvious beauty is your thing *rolls eyes*.  Sure she is the new face Lancome, a coveted spot previously held by the likes of Penelope and Julia, big deal *grits teeth*. Admittedly, she plays a part in the highest grossing film franchise ever - meh, it’s just money *shrugs shoulders*.  Ok fine we are so jealous it makes our teeth hurt!!! The oh so talented, beautiful, and very polite fashionista's future looks very bright indeed. From being involved in some amazing new movie projects, including, My week With Marilyn alongside Michelle Williams and Dame Judi Dench and The Perks of being a Wallflower, where she was pictured smooching a co- star (boom chika waa waa). She has also graced best dressed lists everywhere, and landed some amazing shoots from Vogue to Company. But why stop there, the starlet is also due to resume her Ivy League education next year after a brief stint in Oxford- as you do.  The phrase “the world is your oyster” has never been more fitting. Emma we hate you!

                                                                        Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis in W March 2011

S: It’s quite amazing to see how far the gorgeous Mila Kunis has come. From her roots as Jackie Burkhart on That 70’s Show, Mila’s distinctive voice landed her the role as the voice of Meg Griffin, the unfortunate, often hated on, daughter of Peter and Lois in family Guy. Her beauty and talent got her, what some might consider, her big break as Lily aka The Black Swan in the 2010 critically acclaimed thriller also starring Natalie Portman. She definitely came into her own fashion wise during the promo tour for the movie, showing a lot of her fellow Hollywood starlets how it’s done. This woman is no doubt my big lesbian crush at the moment… I mean just look at her… I can’t even stay mad at her for dating Macaulay Culkin for 7 years!  I choose to overlook that because she came to her senses and ran, sorry moved on! Mila’s been making the rounds again promoting her new film which also stars my vanilla swirl of choice, Justin Timberlake in Friends With Benefits. Mila shows us how talent and diversity as an actress hopping from a psychological thriller to a romantic comedy and then on to fantasy in the prequel to the children’s classic; Oz: The Great and Powerful which is out in 2013. Can I just at this point, reemphasise how hot this woman is? Have I said it too much? Ok fine… But she is though. Sigh!

One to watch: 

Emma Stone: 
Emma Stone in her dressing room

J: Emma... babe (yes, we are friends didn’t you know? lol) we are oh so proud of you. I mean to go from Jonah Hill’s love interest in Superbad to full on simulating sex with Ryan *Iwanttolickyou* Gosling in Crazy Stupid Love - pretty impressive.  Although having small supporting roles in a number of films including Superbad and Zombieland; critical acclaim did not come her way until she landed the lead of Olive Penderghast one of my personal favourite films Easy A. She has a couple of exciting new film projects coming up including The Help, which  looks like a brilliant combo of humour and hard hitting drama, plus her southern accent is on point. Check out the link to the trailer above. She is also involved in one of our personal favourite comic book adaptations The Amazing Spiderman. We do hope you do Gwen Stacy justice, we don’t particularly want to see another butchering not naming any names *cough* Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane *cough*. Side note, I would like to draw attention to her recent red carpet appearances  which have displayed a good eye for ensembles , she is not quite killing it yet... But never fear she has time. Always so charming and with wicked sense of humour demonstrated by her guest host spot on Saturday Night Live, we look forward to seeing so much more from her. This is why we have deemed her our one to watch. 


The Boys:

                                                             Joseph Gordon-Levitt:
Joesph Gordon- Levitt in Details August 2010

S: Just want to start this off by saying that J and I would like to do some naughty things to Joe- like lick him! (What?! You were thinking it!) J fell in love with him in his early days as Tommy Solomon in 3rd Rock From The Sun! I personally did not know he was in that! We fell in love with him properly, (by we I mean pretty much everyone who’s seen the movie) as the cute and unlucky in love character Tom Hansen in the 2009 romantic comedy: 500 Days of Summer. My best scene has to be the bit after Zooey Deschanel ‘s character finally gave up the goods and he had a “You Make My Dreams Come True” moment as he walked home- quality!!!  The naughty thoughts really began with Inception (him- that suit… Yum? Yes!) Joseph kept a low profile for a while following the death of his older brother Dan. As his virtual ‘boo thang’ I was pretty down during his absence, but like a true soldier he is about to march right back onto our screens (yes! That was cheesy, I’m owning it) in one of the most exciting sequels in recent history: The Dark Knight Rises. Joseph shows no signs of slowing down with 50/50, Lincoln, Premium Rush and Looper all coming out in 2012. That’s a whole lot of screen time and I am not complaining!  

                                                                   Daniel Radcliffe :

Daniel Radcliffe in Vogue February 2011

J: Daniel I really wish you were better looking (and taller), because right now you are like the non gay BFF, which ironically is quite befitting seen as he is now on broadway *singing, jazz hands*. But I guess it is true what they say you can’t have it all... S is going to raise an eyebrow about what is about to come next but I must.... HE IS FREAKING HARRY POTTER AND BY DEFAULT THAT MAKES HIM FREAKING AMAZING!!!!!! I could really stop there because as far as I am concerned defeating the darkest wizard known to man *whispers* Voldermort *looks around cautiously* , makes him worthy of being on this list. However, our Dan is not just a one trick pony, he dabbled his hand in the West End playing the deeply disturbed Alan Strang, who had a slightly freaky fetish for horses in 2007-2008. But let’s face it what really interested everyone was that he stripped completely neked and we all got a glimpse of little Dan (well I did, I had very privileged seats- all I can say was...meh!). If that was not enough diversity for you he is currently on Broadway playing J. Pierrepont Finch, in How to Succeed in Business Without Really TryingNow for all those who are sceptical look at the link I have shared- he is awesome. He is an all singing, all dancing millionaire, albeit he has a bit of a drinking problem (lol, so completely blown out of proportion), but let’s be fair what Brit doesn’t have one?  His next movie project is considerably more low key than any of the HP franchise, but no less exciting. He plays Arthur Kipps in the movie adaption of Susan Hill’s novel  The Woman in Black set for release in Feb next year. All in all I would say Dan is laughing all the way to the bank and shows no sign of slowing down.  You go Dan!

                                                                    Andrew Garfield:
Andrew Garfield in Details February 2011

S: Seeing as neither of us have actually seen anything with Andrew in it, this is a very silly idea to put him with the rest… But having read his filmography it seems we would be doing an injustice by not including him. 2010 was the breakthrough year for him with the Oscar winning film The Social Network alongside Jesse Eisenberg and V.S Justin Timberlake! Andrew went on to star in the we’re not quite sure what genre, film Never Let Me Go with Keira Knightly and Carey Mulligan. Not our cup of tea (what with the whole sci-fi kerfuffle in the middle of the love story). As J says, it was a bit too “omg! My sister’s keeper… not gonna happen!” Meanwhile, we’re both not looking forward to but will watch Andrew as Peter Parker in the 2012 (yet another) remake of Spider-Man. This post is becoming very negative which is really not our intention because we do like Andrew’s face and we genuinely think he’s got a promising career ahead of him and any friend of Emma Stone’s *wink* is a friend of ours. So kudos Andrew! 

One to watch:

Chris Hemsworth:

Christ Hemsworth in Australian GQ May 2011
S: Miley Cyrus’ boyfriend’s brother Chris Hemsworth is gearing up to have quite the career! As I was writing this it was brought to my attention that he was actually George Kirk in one of my favourite movies ever; Star Trek!  (Sure, he was only in there for a few minutes but I did watch it 7 times in the cinema and didn’t notice? For shame!) Chris is no stranger to television and film. He started his career in Australia (where he’s originally from), in Home and Away and Neighbours (never was a fan… gasp! *rolls eyes*) before he traded in the surfs and local pubs for Hollywood. After his little role in Star Trek he went on to star in the summer blockbuster film adaptation of Thor! Now I haven’t seen this yet, I’m scared to honestly…. I haven’t heard great reviews about it but that clearly is irrelevant when your movie opens at number one and rakes in only about $448,127,309 worldwide. I’m excited to see what else Chris has in store because he definitely has a lot to offer. I’m looking forward to the Avengers the most. I really want to see what they do with that. I’m more of a Justice League fan myself but I’m willing to overlook my childhood disdain for Captain America and be open-minded, who knows, I might convert (lol as if!) He’s also going to be in Snow White and The Huntsman alongside nouveau hottie, Kristen Stewart as well as Rush! 2012 is the year of this Aussie actor and I am sure he will deliver! 

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